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Travel Jeju's famous tourist destinations through metaverse...with regulation free special zone

According to Yonhap News,

Metaverse tourism, where travelers visit famous tourism destinations in a virtual space will be pushed for.

Jeju-do announced on May 24 that it would hold a public hearing on the 'Jeju Metaverse Tourism Regulation Free Special Zone Plan' to give explanation on the project of enjoying tourist destinations in a virtual space to the companies involved in metaverse.

Metaverse Tourism Regulation Free Special Zone is a project allowing travelers to indirectly travel to famous tourist destinations in a virtual reality through monitors-attached tour buses.

In virtual reality through Metaverse Extended Reality (XR) technology, realism will be enhanced as real-time images of the tourist destinations can be viewed in real time.

To push for this project, the provincial government plans to apply for a special regulation free zone by demonstrating a technology that automatically removes personal information, i.e., faces of each person, from real-time images.

In addition, the province plans to find a way to ensure that there is no safety problem when operating monitor-attached tour buses.

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Source: Yonhap News (May 24, 2022)

** This article was translated from Korean.