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Jeju Samdasoo enters India, ships 45 tons of mineral water

According to The Korea Economic Daily Global Edition,

South Korea’s leading bottled mineral water brand Jeju Samdasoo began exporting to India and shipped 45 tons of the water from the resort island on Thursday.

The demand for Korean foodstuffs is high in the South Asian country, which boasts a whopping 1.39 billion in population.

The CEO of Jeju Province Development Co. Kim Jeong-hak said, “We plan to increase the percentage of our overseas revenue to above the 10% range from 2025.”

The company is responsible for bottling and selling Samdasoo products.

Kim’s office in Jeju City is filled with bottled water from around the globe.

The Jeju native said he is always comparing the water quality and packaging of different bottles of potable water and added that the water quality and eco-friendly technology of Samdasoo are world-class.

India is Jeju Samdasoo’s twenty-first export destination. The company plans to increase the shipment volume to the country to 200 tons.

Samdasoo ranks first place in Saipan’s imported water market.

In Taiwan, an average of 5,00 bottles are sold a day, surpassing the sales volume of French mineral water Evian.

The Jeju Province Development Co. exports around 8,000 tons of Samdasoo per year, less than 1% of its annual production capacity of around a million tons.

But the company invested 150 billion won ($115.1 million) into building an eco-friendly smart factory by 2025. When complete, it plans to push forward with a robust expansion into overseas markets.

The new plant will increase the company’s overall production capacity to 1.4 million tons.

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Write to Soo-Jung Ha at

Jee Abbey Lee edited this article.

Source: The Korea Economic Daily Global Edition (Nov. 30, 2022)