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Jeju Regional Innovation Platform to lead the growth of Jeju's clean bio industry

According to Yonhap News,

In order to lead regional innovation in the clean bio industry, the Clean Bio Business Group of Jeju Regional Innovation Platform joined hands with related companies.

The Clean Bio Business Group in the Jeju Regional Innovation Platform announced on July 9 that it has formed a "consultative body to support companies for clean bio regional innovation ecosystem creation" to foster companies related with the clean bio industry and improve living conditions for local talent.

The consultative body will select 13 companies through public offering and support joint marketing programs and customized packages tailored to company's demand.

Participating companies are Changjo Biotech, Zeus, Jejumami, Ollebadang, Jeju Icecream, JejuINDI, UNIJeju, Shinhan Eco, Easy Hydrozen, JNBIO, Juenbio, J-Basket, and ASK BASE.

The head of the Jeju Regional Innovation Platform, said, "The formation of the consultative body will be the basis for companies to actively utilize the university's infrastructure and to support the growth of companies. We will strive to lead the continued growth of the clean bio industry in Jeju through various programs including R&D and training of local manpower"

The Jeju Regional Innovation Platform was formed to push for Regional Innovation System (RIS) based on cooperation between local government-university in Jeju, and the consultative body was set up by companies and public offices in the province including Jeju TechnoPark and local government, implementing projects to reorganize education system and train talents to foster future industries in the region.

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Source: Yonhap News (July 9, 2024)

** This article was translated from Korean.