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Jeju· Japan Contents Award to be held, providing flight and hotel tickets

According to Yonhap News,

On July 23, the Consulate General of Japan in Jeju announced that it will hold the "Jeju-Japan Contents AWARD" for the first time this year.

It is an event that invites Korean and Japanese people, including Jeju residents, to participate in SNS contents competition, dealing with the charm of Jeju of that of Japan.

Award winners will be given round-trip tickets to Japan and accommodation tickets for luxury hotels in Jeju.

The application period is July 23-September 23.

Those who want to apply can enter the address(URF) of the content uploaded in their own SNS (Instagram, YouTube, Blog) account on the official website of the event ( .

The results will be announced on October 31, followed by the award ceremony on November 16 at the Welcome Hall of the Jeju Tourism Organization.

The event, which is held under the concept of "connecting the charm of Jeju and Japan," is co-hosted by Toyota Motor Korea, Okinawa Prefecture, Inpainter Global, the Japan Foundation Seoul, and the Korea-Japan Cultural Exchange Association.

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Source: Yonhap News (July 23, 2024)

** This article was translated from Korean.