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Beijing students visited Jeju for educational exchanges

According to Yonhap News,

On August 25, the Jeju Special Self-Governing Provincial Office of Education announced that a delegation of 21 high school students (18 students, 3 leaders) from the Dongcheng District Board of Education in Beijing Municipality, China, visited Jeju on August 21-15.

This visit is part of the Jeju-Beijing student exchange program.

In exchange for the visit by Jeju delegation to Beijing in June, in which they formed friendly relationship with students of the 166th and 27th middle schools, Beijing students are visiting Jeju to strengthen their friendship.

The Beijing student delegation will visit Daejeong High School and Seogwipo Girls' High School and participate in various educational programs, including attending their classes and experiencing school meals.

They will also have time to understand Jeju's history and culture through home-stays and visit to natural heritages and museums.

An official from the Office of Education said, "This program will not only be a good opportunity to introduce Jeju's history, nature, and culture to Beijing students, but will also be a valuable experience for students of both countries to create an international network and experience global exchanges."

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Source: Yonhap News (August 22, 2024)

** This article was translated from Korean.