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The 12th International e-Mobility Expo to open in Jeju on April 8 next year

According to Yonhap News,

The 12th International e-Mobility Expo will be held on April 8 to 11 next year in and around Jeju Shinhwa World.

On August 27, the International e-Mobility Expo said that 50 sessions of global conferences with participation of 50 countries will be held, including the Silicon Valley Investment Promotion Biz Forum, the 3rd International Eco-Friendly Ship Expo, the Global EV Association Network (GEAN) General Assembly and Forum, the Korea-ASEAN EV Forum, the Korea-China-Japan EV Forum, the Global Urban Air Transport (UAM) Forum, the Korea-Africa Energy Forum, the Global Battery Forum, and the International EV Standard Forum.

The Expo aims to raise its status as a sustainable global business expo by holding the Silicon Valley Investment Promotion Biz Forum on a regular basis, and drive Korea as forward base for e-mobility export.

It also plans to create e-mobility business platforms for electric vehicles, electric ships and UAMs and add advanced technologies such as digital, artificial intelligence (AI), and information technology (IT).

The Expo explained that transition to EVs is an irreversible trend, as shown by the fact that global sales of electric vehicles last year exceeded 13.88 million (EV+PHEV) units last year, according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance.

Despite a new obstacle of safety issues in Korea, the transition to EV is a solid trend beyond battery safety issue, the Expo stressed.

At the kick-off ceremony on August 26, the Expo Organizing Committee appointed Jeju's governor as the honorary chair, and Ossama R. Hassanein, chairman of a Silicon Valley company as the honorary chair of the Organizing Committee.

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Source: Yonhap News (August 27, 2024)

** This article was translated from Korean.