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The 2011 AsRES and AREUEA Joint International Conference Held in Jeju
제목 없음

According to Yonhap News,

Joint international conference of real estate experts was held on July 12 at Shilla hotel in Jeju.

Co-hosted by the Asian Real Estate Society(AsRES) and American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association(AREUEA), the conference was joined by experts from about 20 countries.

For three days, participants will present 180 theses on subjects ranging from city economy, city development, real estate market, real estate finances, real estate development and investment and housing.

The conference was held in Seoul in 2002.

Keynote speeches were given by Dr. Bertrand M. RENAUD, former advisor of the World Bank, and Kim Jun-il, president of economic research institute of the Bank of Korea.

AsRES was founded for the development of the real estate industry, and has held international conferences since 1996.

Source Text

Source: Yonhap News(July 12, 2011)

** This is an English translation of a Korean news article.