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The 7th Jeju Forum for Peace and Prosperity to Be Held on May 31
제목 없음

According to Yonhap News,

The 7th Jeju Forum for Peace and Prosperity, co-hosted by Jeju and East Asia Foundation (EAF), is scheduled to be held from May 31-June 2 at Heavichi Hotel & Resort.

The forum, held under the theme of "New Trend and Future of Asia", will draw the largest number of 2,000 participants including high-ranking officials, scholars and businessmen from home and abroad.

For three-day forum, 23 institutions including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT), Jeju, Jeju Peace Research Institute (JPRI), EAF, Jeju International Free City Development Center, Seoul School of Integrated Sciences and Technologies (SSIST), Korea Human Development Institute and China Magazine will make presentations on sectors varying from peace to economy and environment.

Among them, sessions considered especially important include "The Future Direction of Six-Way Talks" by JPRI, "Can Seoul Nuclear Summit Lead to Nuclear-Free East Asia" by EAF, "Future Direction of 20-Year-Old Strategic Partnership between Korea and China" by Korea National Diplomatic Academy and "Korean Wave beyond Asia and Go Global" by the SSIST.

Major Korean participants are the ministers of the MFAT, Unification, Knowledge Economy and Gender Equality and Family and Former Prime Minister Han Seung-su, and foreign guests are Undersecretary of the U.S. for Public Diplomacy, the U.S., Russian and Vietnamese ambassadors to Korea and other renowned politicians.

Source Text

Source: Yonhap News (Apr. 3, 2012)

** This is an English translation of a Korean news article.