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WCC to Serve as an Opportunity for Jeju to Become a Key Player in Environment Conservation
제목 없음

According to Yonhap News,

Jeju governor U Geun-min announced Jeju Declaration, named after the host place of the World Conservation Congress (WCC), saying that "Jeju will begin its journey towards becoming a global environment capital."

He also emphasized the importance of Jeju residents working together to successfully organize the WCC, dubbed "Environmental Olympic," just as Korean athletes united to show remarkable achievements during the London Olympics.

"About 10,000 environment experts from 180 countries will gather here at Jeju on September 6, Governor U said.  "Global environment leaders pay keen attention to Jeju. I'd like to call on Jeju residents to help us successfully complete the global event."

He added, "The WCC will help Korea open a new chapter in its efforts to develop into an advanced nation focusing on environmental protection."

Source Text

Source: Yonhap News (Aug. 16, 2012)

** This is the translation of a Korean article.