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Jeju Travel Homepage to Be Upgraded

Jeju announced last Thursday that it will upgrade its tourism industry and travel homepages for foreigners to improve the tourism infrastructure to welcome the era of 10 million tourists.

Jeju Special Self-Governing Province Travel ( is a homepage which promote tourism in Jeju and has 19,545 visitors a day on average. Contents on the Korean homepage including addresses, contacts, and price information will be updated.

QR codes will also be developed to provide Jeju tour maps on smartphones in Korean, English, Chinese, and Japanese where users can find information on tourist attractions, accommodations, restaurants, and shopping.

In line with increase in tourists travelling alone, more customized information by theme and age and Jeju cultural contents including its natural attractions will be provided to enable easier sharing through SNS.

Jeju plans to build support service systems for multicultural families in Jeju and upgrade the contents on Jeju life for foreigners in Korea.
Jeju will hold information sessions by region and industry for partners registered in Jeju Travel homepage in June.

Source Text

Source: Newsis (May 23, 2013)

** This article was translated from the Korean.