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Jeju Invests KRW 1.29 TN in Science

Jeju announced that it will invest KRW 1.2948 trillion between 2013 and 2017 in seven key initiatives and 134 projects to promote the fourth comprehensive plan for science and technology promotion.

The plan was finalized by the National Science & Technology Council.

Total KRW 9.8 billion will be invested in 27 projects to build foundation for local-led research and development (R&D) projects, and KRW 73 billion will be provided for seven projects, including electric car operation system development and global cooperation.

In addition, KRW 108.5 billion will be put into 48 regional R&D projects and KRW 349.9 billion will be utilized to foster science and technology workforce and create new jobs with 15 projects.

Jeju also will invest KRW 726.4 billion in 27 projects and KRW 27 billion in 9 projects which facilities academic-industry-government cooperation.

The government plans to build foundation for the new and renewable energy industry, enhance biotechnology infrastructure, reinforce industry-academic-research-government cooperation and build an environment for new technology development.

Source Text

Source: Newsis (Aug. 12, 2013)

** This article was translated from the Korean.