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Jeju and Shimabara Sign Sisterhood Relationship

Jeju Island Global Geopark Network set up a sisterhood relationship with Japan’s Shimabara peninsula Geopark last week.

At the 5th International United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) conference on Geoparks, held in Shimabara peninsula last year, the Jeju Island Global Geopark was introduced as one of the biosphere reserves and world natural heritages.

According to Jeju, the sisterhood relationship was suggested by the Shimabara peninsula Geopark for cooperation after the 5th conference.

Both parties will cooperate for protection and management of geoparks and promote mutual exchanges for facilitation of the parks.

With the relationship, both parties will reinforce their international network and share knowledge and experience on protection and management of the parks to promote mutual benefits.

Located in Nagasaki prefecture, Japan, the Shimabara peninsula geopark, is the first park to be recognized as an international geopark in 2009 for the first time in Japan.

Source Text

Source: Newsis (Aug. 26, 2013)

** This article was translated from the Korean.