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Brooklyn Beer Promotes Beer Production in Jeju

Brooklyn Brewery, which product craft beer in Brooklyn, New York, is promoting cooperation with the Jeju Special Self-Governing Province Development Corporation (JPDC) to manufacture beer in Jeju.

Craft beer refers to regional beer made with a unique recipe in a small-sized brewery. Brooklyn Brewery is one of the top brands in the United States’ craft beer market.

JPDC announced last week that the Brooklyn Beer offered to establish a joint beer factory in Jeju last June and JPDC asked the Hyundai Industrial Economic Institute for a feasibility study.

JPDC will look over study results regarding the project feasibility, appropriacy and its impact on regional economy when it comes out next month and review the factory establishment based on the results.

The Brooklyn Brewery plans to manufacture ale with barley, produced in Jeju and used to produce Jespi, and Jeju bedrock groundwater. It aims to produce 1,700 kiloliters in its first year and 10,000 kiloliters in tenth year.

General Manager of the Brooklyn Brewery Robin Ottaway visited JPDC last April and noted that Jespi is differentiated from other Korean beers.

He also emphasized that the success of regional beer is up to the story and differentiated values it provides, adding that Jeju is the optimal place to produce beer as it has clean natural environment, water and unique culture.


Source Text: Yonhap News (Sep. 21, 2013)

** This article was translated from the Korean.