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Jeju Fisheries Research Institute to Invest KRW 5 Bn in 23 projects

(JEJU = Newsis) Jeju Fisheries Research Institute announced on January 10 that it decided 23 research projects to be carried out in 2014 and will invest KRW 5.018 billion. The amount of investment rose by 120 percent from the last year’s figure.

The institute will invest KRW 410 million in the restoration project of the village’s fisheries and native resources. Also, it will invest KRW 66 million in the development of sea food and new fishing equipment and technics.

A total of KRW 295 million will be invested to improve the farming productivity and eco-friendly farming technologies, and KRW 234 million to diversify the varieties in a bid to enhance the industrial competitiveness.

The institute also plans to invest KRW 78 million to tackle the climate change, and KRW 89 million to develop the strategic breeds to deal with the impact of Korea-Chia free trade agreement.

It also plans to push ahead various research projects including the development of an aquatic bacteriophage by investing KRW 600 million of research funds for the national projects.

Source Text

Source: Newsis (Jan. 10, 2014)

** This article was translated from the Korean.