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Jeju Free Int’l City Project Gains Momentum

According to Yonhap News,

(JEJU = Yonhap News) Jeju Free International City Project, which is organized by the Jeju Free International City Development Center to construct Aerospace Museum, Myths and History Theme Park Health Care Town and others is gaining its momentum.

The JDC announced on January 15 that it will complete the construction and open the Aerospace Museum on April 24. The 329,838m2 museum has three floors above ground and one floor underground.

The construction of the museum was commenced in September of 2010, and it includes an aviation section, a space exploration section, an air hall, a theme zone, an outdoor exhibition section and an observatory.

The aviation section displays 25 retired aircraft donated by Republic of Korea Air Force (ROKAF), and provides information about history of aviation, the footprints of ROKAF, principles and structure of aircraft and future aviation technologies.

The space exploration section displays astronomy of both eastern and western civilization, satellite, history of space exploration and future plans for space exploration.

The JDC also constructs a 5D theater that offers 3D virtual flight and space exploration movies with various special effects, and an outdoor exhibition section to encourage visitors to participate in the various outdoor activities such as water rocket competition.

The museum also features an observatory which offers the view of Korea’s southernmost island Marado and Jeju’s Halla Mt. Other additional facilities such as restaurants and hotels are being constructed.

Last September, the JDC and Hong Kong Landing International Development Ltd. signed a KRW 1.8 trillion investment agreement for the construction of Myths and History Theme Park and concluded a land contract in October.

Landing Jeju Development CO.,LTD will invest KRW 1.8 trillion by 2018 to construct a resort in A,R,H areas to show history and culture of Greece, Rome, North Europe, Egypt, Korea, China and Japan.

In J area, the JDC will develop a complex that shows myths, history and culture of Korea and Jeju Island.

The development project of Jeju Health Care Town is also invested by the Chinese company Greenland Group.

Greenland Group signed a memorandum of understanding for the general checkup for foreign visitors and the operation of special dental and plastic surgery clinics with Seoul National University Hospital in the last September.

The group will invest a total of KRW 1 trillion and construct medical R&D center, leisure facilities and accommodation facilities in 778,000 m2 site.

It also plans to commence a new condominium construction project in the first half of 2014 by investing a total of KRW 200 billion, and construction of health examination center and other medical facilities in the second half of the year.

The JDC will push ahead to develop the second high-tech science and technology complex in a bid to meet the demand of the high-tech industry and tourism industry.

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Source: Yonhap News (Jan. 15, 2014)

** This article was translated from the Korean.