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Jeju Opens Nation’s First Call Center for Electric Vehicles

(JEJU = Newsis) Jeju Special Self-Governing Province (Jeju) announced today that it opened the first electric vehicle call center in Korea.

According to the province, Jeju Electric Vehicle Service Co., Ltd. opened the call center on January 10 and provides services including repair of electric chargers and Information service on how to operate an electric vehicle and obtain the recharging card from the Ministry of Environment and so on.

The call center not only offers the telephone helplines, but also dispatches experts to the field to resolve any problems related to the electric vehicles.

Meanwhile, Jeju plans to increase the number of the electric vehicles in the province to 500, and it will accept applications for electric vehicles from its residents during the international electric vehicles expo 2014, which is held at Jeju International Convention Center between March 15 and 21.

There are currently 360 electric vehicles and 497 electric charging stations in the province.

Source Text

Source: Newsis (Jan. 21, 2014)

** This article was translated from the Korean.