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Jeju to Invest in Municipal Marinas

(JEJU = Newsis) Jeju Speical Self-Governing Province (Jeju) announced on January 20 that it will invest KRW 2.2 billion in municipal marina development in 2014.

The province will invest a total of KRW 2.2 billion in the construction and improvement of Gimnyeong port’s boat lift facilities and mooring facilities, and Dodu port’s public marina.

It invested KRW 3.3 billion to develop public marina in Gimnyeong port and completed construction of mooring facilities and clubhouses.

Another KRW 3.3 billion was invested in Dodu port for installation of mooring facilities and berth facilities.

Jeju will invest KRW KRW 10 billion in Gimnyeong and dodu port for marina development, KRW 694 billion in Seongsansinyang for development of maritime resort, KRW 18 billion in Gangjeong, Jungmun and Iho ports for marina developments.

The province expects the investment will boost yacht and marine tour programs and other new tourism demands.

Source Text

Source: Newsis (Jan. 20, 2014)

** This article was translated from the Korean.