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Jeju to Foster Marine Resources, Invest KRW 21.2 Bn

(JEJU = Newsis) Jeju Speical Self-Governing Province announced on February 7 that it will invest a total of KRW 21.2 billion in its marine resource development project including installation of artificial fish shelters, release of various fish species and construction of coastal farms.

The province will invest KRW eight billion in 14 areas (800ha) to install artificial fish shelters, KRW 1.4 billion in 16ha areas for sea forest development project and KRW 100 million in fish species restoration project in two sea sectors.

It also plans to put KRW 2.6 billion to release various fish species including sea cucumbers, ear shells and other fishes. KRW two billion and KRW 7.1 billion will be invested in costal farm development project and sea forest development project, respectively.

The province will carry out its artificial fish shelters development project in accordance with “one town, one fish shelter plan”, and build large-scale fish shelters in the coastal fisheries to help local fishing boats easily find their fisheries.

It will also select proper towns for fish species release project in a bid to achieve desirable outcomes from the project.

Projects will take place in the seas with bad conditions in order to prevent chlorosis effect from spreading across the nearby seas.

“Seas around the Jeju Island are the richest repository of natural resources, but its marine resources are sharply decreasing due to chlorosis effect and other external factors,” said a province official. “We will continue our investment in the projects mentioned above in a bid to restore the marine resources and improve incomes of local residents.”

Source Text

Source: Newsis (Feb. 7, 2014)

** This article was translated from the Korean.