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Jeju Launches New Research Center for Jeju Studies

(JEJU = Newsis) Jeju Special Self-Governing Province announced today that it has launched the operating committee for the Research Center for Jeju studies.

The committee, which will be run by February 2016, is comprised of ten members, including seven experts from the fields of liberal arts, social studies and natural science, and three other official members.

It will focus on proving consultation services on the center’s basic research project, culture-based research projects and publication of materials that are related to the ancient Jeju documents and Jeju studies.

The province will hold an appointment ceremony on March 28 at the center and push ahead with its plan to focus its supports on carrying out a research on the Jeju Language.

The center completed building a database that contains 2,544 materials related to the Jeju studies, and plans to provide “Jeju Studies Archive Web Service” to local residents from the middle of the month.

Source Text

Source: Newsis (Mar. 11, 2014)

** This article was translated from the Korean.