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Jeju to Kick Off to Create Sea Farms, Sea Forests

(JEJU = Newsis) Jeju Special Self-Governing Province announced on March 7 that it will push ahead with its project to create two 1600 hectare coastal sea farms and five 1120.6 hectare sea forests this year.

The project was approved by the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries last December. It aims to revitalize coastal fisheries of Jeju Island.

The province will invest KRW 200 million every year by 2018 in Bukchon and Geumneung sea areas to create the coastal sea farms.

The province’s plan is to build the foundation for the farms by installing artificial reefs and releasing various breeds of shellfish and marine plants in the sea between April and November. It will also release abalones, sea cucumbers and red sea cucumbers throughout the year.

To create sea forests, the province is scheduled to invest a total of KRW 21.3 million in Jocheonshinheung, haengwon, Bomokdong, Namwon and Pyoseon sea areas to restore the coastal ecosystem. The costs of the project will be fully funded by the government.

The province will create sea jungle facilities and sea plants fostering facilities between June and December and focus on managing sea forests throughout the year.

Source Text

Source: Newsis (Mar. 7, 2014)

** This article was translated from the Korean.