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Jeju to Invest KRW 33.4 Bn in 111 Informatization Projects

(JEJU = Newsis) Jeju Special Self-Governing Province announced today that it will establish and push ahead action plans for 111 informatization projects this year in an effort to realie “Jeju 3.0 e-governance”.

The investment costs will be funded by both the province and cities, and the total amount for this year will be KRW 33.41 billion, up by 18.9 percent from the last year’s KRW 28.088 billion.

The province will invest KRW 790 million in eight business projects including the renewal of the province’s website that fits the trend of Government 3.0 and construction of a website to disseminate government information to the general public.

Also, the province will invest KRW 17.057 billion in 17 business projects including the establishment of an integrated CCTV control center and Automated Traffic Management System (ATMS) as well as improvements on bus information system and GIS and more.

The province will invest KRW 1.732 billion in 18 locally specialized marketing contents development projects, KRW 1.455 billion in 11 projects to eliminate digital divide, KRW 8.21 billion in 10 projects including the construction of Asia CGI creation center.

It will also invest KRW 560 million in eight projects to enhance information protection and countermeasures, KRW 1.638 billion in 23 projects to operate an administration information system and KRW 1.959 billion in 16 business projects to provide high quality administration communication service.

Source Text

Source: Newsis (Mar. 18, 2014)

** This article was translated from the Korean.