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JDC Holds Exchange Meeting between Jeju High-Tech Science & Technology Complex Tenant Companies & Beijing Companies

(JEJU=NEWSIS) The Jeju Free International City Development Center (JDC, Chairman Kim Han-wook) announced on July 2 that it has held an exchange meeting between tenant companies of Jeju High-Tech Science & Technology Complex and Beijing companies.

The participants of the meeting include 6 Beijing companies and 5 tenant companies of the Complex such as Daekyung Engineering, Korea Beauty Industry Development Institute and Lightning Soft Co., Ltd. to discuss ways to cooperate and enter the Chinese market.

An official from the Beijing companies said, “The outlook for entering the Chinese market is bright as the quality of products and services of tenant companies is high. We will provide methods to enter the Chinese market to the tenant companies so that they can secure network within China.”

The JDC’s High-tech Project Division Director Jung Wook Soo said, “The meeting has given the opportunity for the tenants to have easier access to the domestic market in China. The JDC will play the role of a bridge between the tenants and the overseas markets.”

The JDC has suggested creating a regular consultative group between the Beijing Investment Promotion Bureau and relevant companies.

Source Text

Source: Newsis (July. 02, 2014)

** This article was translated from the Korean.