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Jeju Records Highest Economic Growth in Korea

(JEJU=NEWSIS) The gross domestic regional product (GDRP) of Jeju Special Self-Governing Province exceeded KRW 12.7 trillion in 2012.

Jeju announced on July 24 that the report on the GDRP in 2012 by the Statistics Korea showed that the GDRP of Jeju is KRW 12.7068 trillion, a KRW 859.8 billion increase from last year (KRW 11.8470 trillion).

The GDRP per capita is KRW 22.743 million, a KRW 1.294 million increase from last year (KRW 21.449 million). The gross regional income (GRI) per capita is KRW 22.408 million, a KRW 338,000 increase from last year (KRW 22.07 million). The personal income is KRW 15,116 million, a KRW 483,000 increase from last year (KRW 14.633 million).

Jeju recorded the highest economic growth of 5.2 percent among 16 cities and provinces in Korea. The average economic growth is 2.3 percent. The economic growth of Jeju is increasing annually from 2.3 percent in 201 to 5.1 percent in 2011.

The primary, secondary and tertiary sectors accounted for 16.1 percent, 3.7 percent and 80.2 percent, respectively. The service industry accounted the most with 70.6 percent, which is then followed by agricultural and fisheries (16.1 percent), construction (8.0 percent) and manufacturing (3.4 percent).

Source Text

Source: Newsis (July. 24, 2014)

** This article was translated from the Korean.