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Jeju Creates 3,500 New Jobs

According to Yonhap News,

(JEJU=Yonhap News) Jeju has created a significant number of jobs by attracting companies. Jeju announced November 12 that the city has attracted 57 companies since 2004, creating 3,500 new jobs.

The city has created 600 new jobs this year by attracting five companies that are suitable for the environment of Jeju.

The fact that Jeju has attracted Neople, the leading game company, means that its 500 workers and their families will move to the city. Neople will begin its business in Jeju from next January.

Two companies that manufacture cosmetics with magma water will build plants in the Jeju Yongam Haesu Industrial Complex and two companies related to semiconductors will move to the High-tech Science Technology Industrial Complex.

Jeju focused on attracting medium-sized companies that can lead the regional economy and companies that can create many jobs. The city will strive to solve the issues concerning the demand and supply of human resources of transferred companies.

Jeju should improve the investment support system to attract investment in new growth industry that can materialize the potentials of the city and expand the tailored administrative support to swiftly solve the management issues regarding transferred companies.

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Source Text

Source: Yonhap News (November. 12, 2014)

** This article was translated from the Korean.