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JDC Opens Saint Johnsbury Academy in 2017

According to Yonhap News,

(JEJU=Yonhap News) The Saint Johnsbury Academy (SJA), a distinguished American private school, will open its campus in Jeju in 2017.


The Jeju Free International City Development Center (JDC) announced January 21 the management plan for 2015 that includes three core goals and 20 detailed tasks.

According to the plan, the city will finalize the plan to establish the SJA this year so that the school can begin its semester in September, 2017. The JDC has reached an agreement with the SJA in November, 2012 to build a campus in the English Education City by 2015, which has been delayed so far.

This is due to the criticism that the establishment of campuses of the North London Collegiate School (UK) and the Branksome Hall Asia (Canada) in Jeju has exacerbated the financial stability.

The JDC will engage in the project when the government improves the system to permit the remittance of profit. Even if the system is not revised, the center plans to promote the project by attracting private capital.

The center will increase the number of students of the two existing international schools by 60 percent. It will carry out market research and investment promotion to attract private capital for the international schools. In order to increase the number of foreign students, the center will promote marketing to attract Chinese students.

The JDC will promote early execution of finances to boost the regional economy, allocate KRW 3 billion to develop the primary industries, create a corruption-free society and expand clean culture.

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Source Text

Source: Yonhap News (January. 21, 2015)

** This article was translated from the Korean.