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Jeju to Hold IR Session

(JEJU=NEWSIS) Jeju Special Self-Governing Province will hold an investor relations (IR) session to IT, BT and CT companies on October 21 at the Korea Federation of SMEs, Seoul.

Around 200 workers from companies in Seoul City, Gyeonggi Province and Incheon City will participate in the event.

The IR session will include measures to attract high-tech industries that create high value added and jobs and introduction to the investment environment and support systems of Jeju.

Seven booths will be established on issues including the investment environment of Jeju, support system for relocated companies and investment promotion zone for investment consulting and PR. Thirteen experts will be at the event to increase the interest of companies on relocation.

To date, Jeju has attracted 50 companies including 20 IT companies and 17 BT companies.

Source Text

Source: Newsis (Oct. 16, 2015)

** This article was translated from the Korean.