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[Newsletter] An educational business that awakens creativity and inspiration through the nature and culture of Jeju, Pilco Studio



"Pilco Studio (Pilco) suggests learning that enhances creativity, critical thinking, and expression through free play in nature. At Pilco, we consider nature our classroom, where we study how plants and animals coexist and how they affect us. We recognize that various life forms are the true inhabitants of the forest and learn to show them respect. Teaching coexistence with nature is Pilco's main educational philosophy. Additionally, we write and share thoughts inspired by nature. Sometimes, we assign challenging tasks to encourage finding enjoyment in them, as there is nothing more satisfying than seeing oneself overcome difficulties. Each day at Pilco is about expanding the world of imagination, experiencing hands-on activities, and embracing challenges as they come.”

Angela Lau, CEO of Pilco Studio

The entire Jeju Island is a classroom!

Pilco is an English education institution that designs unique, creativity-based learning programs. It enhances literacy through interaction with native-speaking teachers and play. All education takes place in nature, not in traditional classrooms. Beyond reading and understanding textbooks, the most important rule at Pilco is to play freely and express oneself confidently in the educational environment.

Q  I'm curious about the background story of how Pilco found its footing in Jeju.

After working as an international educator for over 10 years, I became curious about what an educational setting without traditional school systems and regulations would look like. To realize this vision, I founded Pilco in 2019 and set up the space in Jeoji-ri, Hangyeong-myeon, near Gotjawal. Pilco's educational philosophy is "Nature is our classroom." From this perspective, Jeju, with its distinctly seasonal landscapes and outstanding ecological diversity, is an excellent educational site. We use daily changes in nature, such as forest exploration and observing wild plants and animals and their symbiotic relationships, as learning models to provide a constantly evolving educational environment.


Q  What kind of outdoor-based workshop programs does Pilco offer?
In the weekday workshops held from Monday to Friday, we conduct forest walks and writing activities using natural materials for children aged 7 to 10. They observe the changing forest and the seasonal flora and fauna up close. Writing topics vary with the seasons. For instance, during the rainy season, we might ask, "What would happen if it never rained?" or in winter, "What dreams do hibernating animals have?" At Pilco, we pose various broad questions to maximize children's creativity. This method also helps enhance their thinking and problem-solving skills. The weekend workshops feature intensive writing programs focused on discussion and expression with peers rather than simple writing tasks. Additionally, we collaborate with local activists in various fields for the Local Artist Collaboration Workshop, which offers a new perspective on Jeju. We also conduct cultural exchange programs like the Summer Workshop with overseas educational institutions.



Learning Opportunities Based on Jeju’s Natural Environment

The inaugural Local Artist Collaboration Workshop held last fall garnered significant popularity. Inspired by a story about the lifecycle of plants from a farmer at Cotton Oreum, you conducted writing and podcast recording sessions on the topic of cotton.

We firmly believe that children can greatly enhance their cognitive abilities through the insights and narratives exchanged by local activists who find inspiration in Jeju's natural surroundings. Boram, a farmer and designer from Cotton Oreum, became the first local activist to collaborate with Pilco. From her, we gained insights into cotton cultivation and its practical applications, delving into the journey of cotton from seed to fabric. Each child selected a cotton ball that resonated with them, crafting a narrative around it and recording their stories for a podcast. Looking ahead, Pilco aims to broaden its network and engage with a diverse array of local experts. In June, we are set to collaborate with a garot (Jeju's traditional clothing) expert, followed by a partnership with the Jeju Stone Museum in September. Safety remains our utmost priority, especially given children's involvement in all activities.



You conducted an edu-tourism program in collaboration with an overseas institution to showcase Jeju’s natural and cultural heritage. Could you share more specifics about the program and its implementation process?

In March, we launched our first workshop with our Singaporean partner, "Gosh! Kids." Over three days, six family teams from Singapore and Korea embarked on an immersive journey across Jeju, immersing themselves in its natural landscapes, biodiversity, and traditional culture. They met with a marine ecologist and a textile artist, delved deep into Jeju's narratives, and created writings and drawings on diverse themes. All activities were led by the children themselves, with regular updates shared with their guardians. One Singaporean family described the edu-tourism experience as a growth opportunity for both children and parents alike. They said they learned to trust and wait patiently, respecting autonomy and independence, while watching children bravely exploring unfamiliar places. They noticed that a liberated and comfortable environment fosters creativity and self-expression, leading to enhanced learning outcomes. We are committed to sustaining our edu-tourism initiatives throughout spring and summer breaks. For the upcoming June summer camp, we plan to extend invitations to more families. We aspire to provide children from various cultural backgrounds with the opportunity to explore Jeju, communicate, and forge friendships in a setting of cultural exchange.

Creativity flourishing through freedom and respect

What's the core value at Pilco?

For some, drawing may be easier than reading, while for others, it's the opposite. Pilco respects each individual's uniqueness and suggests education tailored to their preferences. We aim to foster creativity by listening to the inner voice and acknowledging the value of each child's creations. Given the importance of providing opportunities for immersive creative expression, we allocate uninterrupted time for writing and facilitate the free flow of ideas. Our goal is to encourage children to explore their imagination, weave stories, and expand their horizons. This approach not only enhances critical thinking but also helps broaden perspectives. Pilco supports the stories, ideas, and dreams that children express through their individual voices.

Q  What are Pilco's future aspirations?

In collaboration with local activists and experts in Jeju’s natural and cultural heritage, we aspire to develop captivating learning experiences accessible to children from diverse cultural backgrounds, both locally and internationally. Building on the success of our edu-tourism program introduced last year, we will continue to create Jeju-based programs and collaborate with overseas partners. Pilco's mission is to connect the world through creative education. We envision that every family joining Pilco will discover a wealth of inspiration and wisdom within Jeju’s natural wonders.

