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[Newsletter] Business-friendly JEJU

Governor Oh Young-hun delivering his congratulatory remarks at the Jeju SME Convention


“Jeju will be made business-friendly by hosting 20 listed companies and improving the local economic system.”


On July 18, Jeju Governor Oh Young-hun emphasized a “business-friendly Jeju” at the Jeju Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Convention, where the participants discussed the vision and the policy direction of local SMEs, and the economic contributors were publicly recognized. The event was participated in by over 120 people from the local small and medium-sized enterprises, the micro-enterprise owners, and other stakeholders.


“Although the COVID-19 situation pulled back many countries around the world economically, Korea was able to ride over the shock thanks to the great roles played by our SMEs,” said Governor Oh. “I tabled the record-high supplementary budget request to the Jeju Council to help get over the three economic crises coming from the high-interest rates, the high oil prices, and the high prices and to support the Jeju residents to stand back on their own feet. I will thoroughly support the SMEs, beginning with the rollover of the SME loans, the special guarantee for the lease taken on by the SMEs and the micro-enterprises, and the compensation for the damages of micro-enterprises having experienced suspended operations and business shutdown.
He went on to say, “The Jeju government is going to create decent jobs for the young and increase the household incomes by developing the promising and healthy local companies, discover robust global companies, and build a foundation for the future-oriented new growth industries.”