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[Newsletter] Challenges ahead for JEJU


Jeju, a volcanic island, has unique topological features and natural beauty. This made the island be designated as a biosphere reserve in 2002 and labeled as World Natural Heritage in 2007, and given the title of Global GeoPark in 2010.


The Jeju Province launches a campaign to build a 'Plastic-free island,' along with UNESCO and the Ministry of Environment. The prime intention of the initiative is to protect Jeju, a world heritage, from plastic pollution.


Jeju Governor Oh Young Hun attended 'Jeju Plus International Environment Forum 2022', announcing Jeju would embark on a campaign of building 'A plastic-free society, beginning from Jeju.'


"We are duty-bound to keep beautiful Jeju from the plastic pollution. We should act now to get rid of the sources of plastic pollution, and build and implement biodiversity restoration plans. To make Jeju with three UNESCO crowns shine even brighter, I will undertake master-planning to make Jeju into a plastic-free island by 2040."


A 'plastic-free society'is one free of environmental pollution and the crisis caused by biodiversity threats. To this end, Governor Oh, at the forum, officially proposed to form the tentatively named 'Global Commission of Plastic-Free' to be participated in by UNESCO, the Ministry of Environment, and civil society organizations.


Assistant General Secretary Shamila Nair-Bedouelle of UNESCO at the forum said, "UNESCO is backing and supporting the 2040 Plastic-Free Island project for Jeju to be presented as a best practice to the world." In addition, leaders and experts on the environment from UNESCO, the Ministry of Environment, and the IUCN expressed their commitment to support and cooperate with Jeju to take up the challenge.


Governor Oh Young Hun announced his vision at the forum of a plastic-free island of Jeju