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[Newsletter] Hallim Technical High School Selected as 'Agreement-Based Specialized High School' in the Aerospace Field


Hallim Technical High School has been selected as a specialized high school for aerospace talent cultivation in the 2024 Agreement-based Specialized High School Competition. Consequently, all educational curricula will be restructured to focus on nurturing relevant talents. Organized by the Ministry of Education, this project aims to address rural depopulation due to youth migration and to invigorate regional industries. After the competition was announced in January, 37 schools nationwide applied, and 10 were selected. Among them, Hallim Technical High School will receive up to KRW 4.5 billion in special government subsidies, and additional support from Jeju Province and the Provincial Office of Education, totaling KRW 3 billion and KRW 6 billion, respectively, over the next five years.

Establishing Various Foundations for Specialized High School Operations in 2025

As Hallim Technical High School begins its full-scale operation as an agreement-based specialized high school in 2025, Jeju Province will establish a cooperative system through an administrative consultative body and focus all efforts on talent development. Particularly, through the Regional Innovation System & Education (RISE), Jeju will create new contract-based departments designed for early employment and make corresponding investments. Additionally, the province will provide financial and educational support by conducting specialized training to develop the job skills needed in the private aerospace and facilities industries. The 8th Jeju Provincial Government has taken the lead in preparing for the specialized high school competition by forming a consortium with the provincial council, Jeju National University, and Hanwha Systems, aiming to nurture talent necessary for the aerospace industry.


다양한 제도적 지원과 더불어 항공 우주 특화 교육까지, ‘맞춤형 인력 양성’

Each consortium agreement will be transparently disclosed annually, and the Specialized High School Development Committee under the Ministry of Education, composed of experts from various fields, will oversee the outcomes. Governor Oh Younghun highlighted the importance of this initiative, stating, "At a time when regional decline is accelerating, it is significant to develop talents required by local industries and secure young resident populations. We will firmly support the development of tailored talents that meet the needs of local industries." 

Meanwhile, regarding the designation of specialized high schools with agreements, the Jeju Provincial Office of Education has initiated a restructuring of existing curricula and departmental structures. The current departments at Hallim Technical High School will be restructured to emphasize automation and facilities needed in the private aerospace and facility industries, such as precision machinery, smart architecture, electrical energy, and IT electronics. Specifically, in the latter half of this year, a principal with a background as a former CEO in the aerospace field will be selected as an open-type[1] principal, with efforts directed towards the enhancement of campus facilities and hands-on training rooms. Superintendent Kim Kwangsoo expressed his commitment, saying, "we anticipate the introduction of diverse educational methodologies breaking down the barriers between academia and industry. Together, we aim to establish a virtuous cycle of employment and sustainable growth in the region." 

[1] Individuals with three or more years of experience in an institution or organization relevant to the school's curriculum, irrespective of holding a principal certification. 

