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80 Daegu Star Companies Gather to Communicate

According to Yonhap News,

(DAEGU=Yonhap News) Chief executive officers (CEOs) of 80 'Daegu Star Companies' named by Daegu Metropolitan City will gather together.

As 53 companies have newly become Daegu Star Companies this year, total number of companies representing the city has increased to 80.

15 new companies have been designated in the second half of this year, following 38 of the first half of this year.

Evaluation in the second half was focused on capability and qualifications of CEOs, including corporate social responsibility, entrepreneurship, and technological innovation drive.

On average, revenue of new Star Companies is KRW 23.9 billion and the number of employees is 73. 80% of the companies have sales revenue less than KRW 40 billion.

Daegu aims to designate researchers specialized in nurturing business as project managers to grow the companies as medium-sized firms with sales of over KRW 150 billion.

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Source: Yonhap News (Dec. 11, 2016)
** This article was translated from Korean.