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Food Companies in Daegu to Expand the Market at the Food Fairs

According to Yonhap News,

(DAEGU=Yonhap News) Food companies in Daegu participated in domestic and international food fairs and signed contracts of USD 1.04 million.

Daegu City said on October 4 that 22 food businesses in Dagu participated in three exhibitions including FOODEX Japan 2018, Seoul Food 2018 and Food Expo 2018 in Hongkong and organized joint exhibition hall for Daegu.

Among them, six companies organized six booths at Food Expo 2018 held from August 16 to 18, had 139 business meetings and signed contracts of USD 17,000 for Natto.

At Seoul Food 2018 held at KINTEX from May 1 to 4, eight companies won export contracts of USD 530,000 and domestic sales of KRW 440 million. During FOODEX Japan 2018 held from March 6 to 9, eight companies had 86 business meetings and signed contracts of USD 500,000.

Daegu will organize a joint booth at Gwangju International Food Fair 2018 to be held from October 11 to 14 to promote regional food products and expand the market.

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** This article was translated from Korean.

Source: Yonhap News (October 4, 2018)