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Daegu to hold the 2020 International Conference of East-Asian Association for Science Education

According to Yonhap News,

(DAEGU=Yonhap News) Daegu City announced on December 9 of its success in attracting the 7th International Conference of East-Asian Association for Science Education(EASE) in the year of 2020.

The city sent a task-force team to Taiwan during the 2018 EASE Conference, and after competing with Hong Kong, the city was selected as the venue to hold the next EASE Conference.

The Association was established in 2009 to create a network of East-Asian science educators and to share the findings of their researches.

The Association has held an international conference every two years.

Recently, scholars from Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia have joined the Association, making it a science education organization representing the entire Asia.

The 2020 EASE Conference will be held from August 27 to 29 at Kyungpook National University. More than 600 people from 16 countries are expected to attend the conference.

Daegu City will provide a sightseeing program that allows participants to visit the field-sites of the city's science education and the World Cultural Heritage sites the city has.

"Along with the 2020 EASE Conference, the city holds the '2019 International Earth Science Olympiad (IESO) Conference,' the 'Asia-Pacific Conference on Giftedness 2020 (APCG2020),' and the 'International Organisation of Science and Technology Education (IOSTE) Symposium 2020,' making Daegu a renowned city of science and education." said, the city's Vice Mayor of Economic Affairs.

According to the Vice Mayor, "the city will provide all supports necessary to satisfy both the participants and the host."

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** This article was translated from Korean.

Source: Yonhap News (December 9, 2018)