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Daegu Water Cluster attracted three out-of-town water companies

According to Yonhap News,

(DAEGU=Yonhap News) On September 4, Daegu City announced that it attracted three small but strong water-related companies in the National Water Industry Complex.

The city is set to sign investment agreements with ANSEN, Watermsys, and Hankyul Technics on September 5, during International Water Week 2019.

According to the MOU, the City will provide administrative support to tenants, companies such as priority in using test-beds, land area for manufacturing facilities in the cluster of companies.

ANSEN, located in Yongin, Gyeonggi-do will invest KRW 8 billion in building a water-proof seat manufacturing plant in the cluster. Watermsys, who has a promising technology in smart water meter, plans to move its head office, currently in Daejeon, to Daeju.

Hankyul Technics, located in Yeongchun, North Gyeongsang, will inject KRW 9.4 billion in building a pumping water pipe manufacturing plant.

The City explained that three companies are expected to invest a total of KRW 21.8 billion on 20,000 sq. meters area in the cluster, start operation in the second half of next year, and generate 90 jobs.

27 water-related companies have been attracted in the cluster, with 49.5 percent of the sales rate as 238,000 sq. meters out of 481,000 sq. meters being sold.

Currently, five companies completed construction while six are working on construction within the cluster. Other companies are also planned to complete construction by the end of 2020.

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** This article was translated from Korean.

Source: Yonhap News (September 4, 2019)