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Daegu Startup Leaders Forum, a local IR pitching event was held on Feb 24

According to Yonhap News,

The city of Daegu hosted a “Daegu Startup Leaders Forum”, a startup Investor Relations (IR) event held on the last Wednesday of every other month, at the Creative Economy Innovation Center (CCEI) Daegu Office on Feb 24. The forum aims to form an investment ecosystem where investment vehicles and resources that channel through entrepreneurs provide the energy to keep the economic flow happening in the private sectors.

The program consisted of SAG Korea and Y&Archer’s presentation session, introducing the recent investment trends, followed by investment pitch and networking events with six startups and VC investors. Once a startup is provided with seed financing from angel investors, the investees is entitled to sign up for the membership of Daegu Startup Leaders Fund.

Going through a series of document screening process to monitor business performance, the investees are allowed to be given up to KRW 100 million funds from the investors. Nearly 29 out of 173 participants have been financed by angels, putting their own finance into the growth of a small business at an early stage, and 26 have been matched with venture capitalists.

Starting from this year, the same format of IR event is scheduled to be held near the capital cities across the nation to help both VC investors and entrepreneurs network to get more chance to meet and make social connections each other, the city said. By live streaming the show via social media platforms like YouTube and hosting ‘zoom’ webinars, the authorities will further encourage global investors and startups desiring capital funding to be connected more.

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Source: Yonhap News (Feb 23, 2021)

** This article was translated from Korean.