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Daegu city signed a partnership deal with K-water to support water industry

According to Yonhap News,

The city of Daegu hosted an MOU signing ceremony on Mar 15 with Korea Water Resources Corporation (K-water) over a bilateral partnership to develop water business and to create new jobs.

Under such deal, both reached a consensus to put a greater focus on identifing locally based promising businesses in the water industry and fostering hidden champions to reach their full growth potential.

The city, in addition, will further encourage the adoption of smart water management technology and its application, which enables real-time monitoring and management of drinking water from source to tap, while running a package of water business support programs: helping water businesses break in and open new sales channels overseas, building a test lab to evaluate product quality and performance, advertising an annual event of Korea International Water Week and supporting technology exchange programs etc.

The cooperative partnership with K-water is highly anticipated to help develop water-technologies, explore markets in demand, supply clean, safe water and to tap deeper in overseas markets.

To scale up the industry, Daegu city has already signed a deal with Korea SMEs and Startups Agency in June 2019 and Samsung ENG in July 2020.

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Source: Yonhap News (Mar 14, 2021)

** This article was translated from Korean.