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Daegu city signed MOUs with KIRIA and REPA to scale up robotics industry

According to Yonhap News,

The city of Daegu announced the launch of its business support program on Apr 20 to scale up the robotics industry, partnering with related institutions. The city has signed an MOU with Startups and SMEs Agency, Korea Institute for Robot Industry Advancement (KIRIA), Robot Enterprise Promotion Association (REPA) over partnership to scale up supply chain for robotics business on the same day. Under the contract agreed upon, the startup agency will raise KRW 200 billion funds for financing.

KIRIA will take the role of tech-advisor, handling accreditation, test analysis assessment and test equipment lease.

REPA agreed to provide business supports, helping business reshoring or industry sector conversion etc.

The city of Daegu has formed the community industry cluster as well as global robot cluster and advanced business competitiveness in the robotic industry since it has attracted KIRIA in Daegu city in 2010. To better cope with the post COVID-19 era in which in-person interactions start to phase out and to give way to contact free transactions, the city unveiled its ambitions plan to catch up with rising demand for automation services and to grow businesses engaging in anything associated with both upstream and downstream segments of the robotics industry.

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Source:Yonhap News (Apr 20, 2021)

** This article was translated from Korean.