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Daegu to Send Trade Delegation to Three Regions in the Middle East
제목 없음

According to Yonhap News,

Daegu City said it will dispatch a trade delegation to Saudi Arabia's Riyadh, Egypt's Cairo and Iran's Teheran for nine days.

The delegation team will consist of 10 SMEs manufacturing potential products for exports, such as security and medical equipment, electronics, machinery, automotive components, medicine and construction machinery.

Companies that want to be included in the team can apply for the delegation at Daegu and northern Gyeongsang branch of the Small and Medium Business Corporation by Wednesday.

The city will provide the members of the delegation with information on the local markets and interpretation services.

"The Middle East is trying to diversify its industrial structure based on its abundant oil money and is heavily investing in the IT and medical industries and cultivating SMEs. We will advance into the Middle East with aggressive marketing strategy," said Bae Yeong-cheol, an official at the Daegu International Commerce Team.                                          

Source Text

Source: Yonhap News (Mar. 3, 2012)

** This is an English translation of a Korean news article.