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4 Companies to Move to Daegu National Industrial Complex

According to Yonhap News,

(DAEGU=Yonhap News) Daegu City will sign investment agreements on May 27 with four companies in the construction machine parts sector to build their plants in the Daegu National Industrial Complex and go into operation by the early 2017. The four companies include Pillar Tech, Chang Yeong Industrial, SJ Hightech and Taeseong Tech Win.


The city expects the sales of the four companies to reach KRW 135 billion in 2021 and create 500new jobs.

Pillar Tech recorded KRW 12.8 billion of sales in 2014 by exporting industrial plants and forging products.

Since the establishment of its research center in 2008, Chang Yeong Industrial has invested 6 percent of its sales in the development of new technologies and 10 percent of its workforce are research and development related workers.

SJ Hightech, a CNC automatic machine producer, has seen more than 20 percent of growth in sales. Taeseong Tech Win, a construction machine parts manufacturer, exports its products to Japan and Australia based on its technology.

To date, the city has attracted 30 companies, received KRW 513.7 billion of investment and created 2,488 new jobs.

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Source Text

Source: Yonhap News (May 26, 2015)

** This article was translated from the Korean.