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Invest KOREA Bulletin April 2014
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We've compiled a list of recent new investors in Korea

Foreign Company News, IK News, Regional FDI News, Korea News...
- Mercedes-Benz Korea to Invest KRW 100 Bn Over 3 Years
- Russian Deputy Minister Visits KOTRA
- Chungnam to Focus on Resolving Foreign Investors' Grievances
- Govt. to Foster Medical Equipment Industry

The Situation With Semiconductors
Korea, a leader in the growing semiconductor market, is poised to expand its global presence

Paving the Way

With a new business unit headquarters and research center in Korea, Solvay continues to expand its local presence

Q&A With Warwick Morris

Foreign CEOs Take the Floor
The Foreign Investment Ombudsman sheds light on foreign companies' pressing issues and difficulties through a forum to identify business challenges

- Establishment of a Foreign Medical Institution in Jeju Special Self-Governing Province
- Service Businesses Eligible for Tax Reduction/ Exemption in a Free Economic Zone

Pohang, Your Partner in Success & Happiness

On Stage

Korea offers a wide range of performance venues for art lovers of all genres
Korea's economic indicators at a glance, plus a notable number of the month