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UNIST's Lead Research Centers Funded with KRW 17 Bn

According to Yonhap News,

(ULSAN=Yonhap News) Research centers of Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) were selected as a recipient of a lead research grant program and will be provided with KRW 16.95 billion.

The program is organized by the Ministry of Science, ICT, and Future Planning and the National Research Foundation of Korea in order to foster research organizations with outstanding creativity and capability.

Lead research centers for porous platform based biometic catalysts and high-energy astrophysics of UNIST are newly selected as beneficiaries.

Research for porous platform based biometic catalysts will receive up to KRW 8.5 billion over the next seven years to develop chemical reaction system for industrial and medical purposes by artificially realizing biotic enzyme reaction.

High-energy astrophysics research will be funded with up to KRW 8.45 to explore formation of galaxy clusters, black hole, and neutron stars.

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Source: Yonhap News (Jul. 07, 2016)
** This article was translated from the Korean.