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Ulsan University and Two Ulsan-based companies selected for Materials/Parts Technology Development Program

According to Yonhap News,

Ulsan-si announced on November 4 that Ulsan University, Daeshin Gangup, and SFS have been selected for 'Materials/Parts Technology Development Program' organized by the Ministry of Industry, Trade, and Energy.

It added that they will receive national funding of KRW 6.6 billion (total project cost KRW 8.168 billion) and KRW 3.8 billion investment from private companies.

The selected project is development of materials and manufacturing technology for oxide dispersion strenthened superalloy for hypersonic propulsion system.

According to the city, Professor Kim Jin-cheon of Ulsan University played a key role in this selection.

Professor Kim has been leading local equipment and materials technology development in consortium with Daesin Gangup, a small but strong materials company based in Ulsan, and SFS, a 3D printing equipment technology development company, Busan University, the Korea Institute of Industrial Technology and Hanwha Aerospace.

Daesin Gangup is a metal powder producer, a material for metal 3D printing, and recently developed plasma gas atomizing process for the first time in the world.

SFS has attracted KRW 3.8 billion investment for development of its 2m binder jet 3D printing equipment technology.

A city official said, "To create future growth engine of Ulsan, we will actively foster the 3D printing industry to produce tangible results in aerospace, and national defense sectors."

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Source: Yonhap News (November 4, 2021)

** This article was translated from Korean.