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Ulsan-si goes out to attract investment and expand international exchanges

According to Yonhap News,

Ulsan-si said that it would take steps to attract global business investment and expand exchange with international cities in line with gradual return to normal life.

The foreign investment delegation led by Ulsan's mayor will be sent to Huston, U.S., Burgas, Bulgaria, and Munich, Germany on November 18-28.

The mayor will visit Huston on November 18-20, holding a sister city relationship agreement signing ceremony.

Huston is home to 2.3 million people, known as the capital of world's energy with the largest production amount of natural gas and crude oil.

The city plans to push for cooperative projects in various areas including economy/trade, education/science, culture/tourism, disaster management, and other private exchanges.

The mayor is also going to sign a sister city relationship agreement with Burgas city in Bulgaria on November 21-23.

Burgas is the second largest port city of Bulgaria in the Black Sea region, and the center of industry, traffic, culture, and tourism.

It is also the gateway between the Adriatic and Black Seas.

The city plans to pursue cooperation in the areas of renewable energy, information and communications technology (ICT), and education based on the similarities as industrial city and export and port city.

The delegation will be moving to Germany on November 24-27 to work on MOU signing and export consultations with companies in the floating offshore wind farm, including EnBW.

The delegation will sign an expansion investment MOU with a company it has persuaded for further investment through numerous negotiations.

With the MOU scheduled in Germany, Ulsan-si expects the power generation capacity of floating offshore wind farm underway in the Ulsan offshore will expand from existing 6GW to 9GW.

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Source: Yonhap News (November 18, 2021)

** This article was translated from Korean.