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Ulsan-si signed MOU on bio health industry development...opened Bio Data Farm

According to Yonhap News,

Ulsan-si held the 'Bio Health Industry Promotion MOU Signing Ceremony' and 'Bio Data Farm Opening Ceremony' at the Techno General Industrial Complex in Nam-gu on March 3.

Besides Ulsan-si, SK Bioscience, University of Ulsan, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), Ulsan College, Ulsan University Hospital, and Ulsan Medical Center participated in the MOU.

This agreement was initiated with the goal of establishing comprehensive artificial intelligence data related to genetics and medical care, realizing industrialization of health care and precision medical services through the aforementioned data, growth of the bio-health industry and strengthening its technology, and laying the foundation for cooperation to foster leading companies.

The main contents of the MOU are ▲ Joint cooperation needed to devise growth strategy and make achievements in the bio-health industry ▲ Joint cooperation to promote R&D in the bio-health field ▲ Technology development and mutual support for fostering the precision medicine industry, such as research, predictive diagnosis, and customized treatment ▲ Technology and information exchange in the domestic and overseas bio-health industry and support for field-customized manpower development.

In particular, the city plans to enhance competitiveness by maximizing the growth potential of the bio industry and talent development capabilities in cooperation with local universities, hospitals and SK Bioscience, a leading domestic vaccine company.

The MOU signing ceremony was followed by the opening ceremony of the Bio Data Farm, the core achievement of the Ulsan Genome Service Industry Regulatory Free Zone project.

Bio Data Farm, which was expected to dramatically lead the Ulsan bio industry, is a system that collects, stores, and manages comprehensive bio data related with genetic and medicine that will realize bio-health.

By investing KRW 19.7 billion over two years, a high-performance computer system will be established, capable of conducting basic analysis of the genome information of 10,000 people within 60 days.

The foundation laid by this project will be utilized in the future for genome service demonstration project, such as the development of diagnostic markers for each disease and the establishment of an online platform for response to infectious diseases.

In addition, in connection with the genomic biopharmaceutical development project promoted by the city, it is expected to contribute to the growth of Ulsan into a global hub of the genome service industry.

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Source: Yonhap News (March 3, 2022)

** This article was translated from Korean.