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Private-Public MOU on 'Ulsan floating offshore wind power'

According to Yonhap News,

Ulsan City signed an MOU for 'mutual growth of floating offshore wind power generation' with Danish wind turbine companies Vestas, Ulsan Port Authority (UPA), and Sejin Heavy Industries at the Four Seasons Hotel in Seoul on March 7.

According to the MOU, Ulsan-si, Ulsan Port Authority, and Sejin Heavy Industries will cooperate to create infrastructure such as the hinterland of a floating offshore wind farm, while Vestas will explore how to participate in the 9GW (gigawatt) offshore wind power project.

The city expects this MOU to serve as a foundation for preparing an export base of offshore wind power equipment and materials, and plans to make efforts for job creation, etc.

The MOU signing ceremony was participated by Ulsan's mayor, Vestas's CEO, UPA's CEO and Sejin's CEO.

A city official said, "This MOU will be a cornerstone for Ulsan's floating offshore wind power to expand into the global market," adding "we will endeavor to lead the global eco-friendly energy market based on best technology."

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Source: Yonhap News (March 7, 2022)

** This article was translated from Korean.