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UCCI to Support Local Companies to Advance into Africa
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According to Yonhap News,

Ulsan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (UCCI) will aggressively support its local companies make roads into Africa.

The UCCI is scheduled to organize an investment seminar in partnership with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization to help companies in Ulsan advance into unexplored Africa in a strategic manner.

The UCCI will invite Angolan, Senegalese and Kenyan ambassadors to Korea to provide Ulsan companies with information on the countries' investment environments.

"The seminar will be a great opportunity for our regional companies that see a growing need for diversifying the export market and securing natural resources," said an UCCI official.

Source Text

Source: Yonhap News (Apr. 18, 2011)

** This is an English translation of a Korean text.