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Ulsan Hold an Architecture and Urban Policy Form on Making Ulsan Slow City
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According to Yonhap News,


Lee Jae-won, professor of Ulsan University, said, "We have to create an eco-friendly city generating a new added-value in compliance with nature's law, instead of a convenient city destroying environment," during an architecture and urban policy forum, organized by the Presidential Committee on National Architecture Policy.

Baek Un-su, a member of the presidential committee, also said that "It is a right direction for Ulsan to focus more on creating an image of slow city than of busy city seeking only for achievement."

Kim Do-heon, an Ulsan official in charge of architecture and housing, demonstrated the city's gradual efforts to create a slow city, saying that "We concentrate on ecosystem and traditional cultural assets."

Professor of Ulsan University Jang Hun-ik emphasized the importance of transforming Ulsan from a growth-oriented city to a sustainable, creative one.

About 400 people, including Commissioner Lee Sang-jeong, Mayor Park Maeng-u, experts and citizens, attended the forum.

Source Text

Source: Yonhap News (July 11, 2011)

** This is an English translation of a Korean text.