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Ulju Enhances Technology Exchange with Universities in Russia and Uzbekistan
제목 없음

According to Yonhap News,

Ulju-gun in Ulsan City dispatched a joint technology group to Russia and Uzbekistan in partnership with Ulsan Technopark in mid-October to promote technology exchange. The group was composed of companies and relevant institutions.

The group visited universities of science and technology in Russia and Uzbekistan and a solar physics research institute to ink memorandum of understandings (MOUs) on technological cooperation.

It also held a seminar in collaboration with the Uzbekistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry and signed a MOU on technological cooperation in renewable energy.

Ulju agreed to organize a plasma technology forum next year with Russia's Novosibirsk State University.

In addition, the group also visited Uzbekistan Academy of Science and Samarkand State University.

"We will enhance technology exchange with overseas universities and research institutes for technology development of regional small and medium enterprises," said Ulju Governor.

Source Text

Source: Yonhap News (Oct. 13, 2011)

** This is an English translation of a Korean text.