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Ulsan Opens Processing Technology Center for Polymer and Nano-Convergence Materials

According to Yonhap News,

Ulsan-si (City) held an opening ceremony for processing technology center for polymer and nano-convergence materials last Wednesday at Ulsan Technopark (TP).

The center will lay the groundwork for the industrial convergence project, co-implemented by Ulsan TP and Seoul National University (SNU).

A total of 11.3 billion won will be injected into the project by October 2017.

While Ulsan TP will be responsible for developing technology and building necessary infrastructures, while SNU will provide relevant companies with polymer processing technology.

Ulsan expects the center to contribute to producing high added value products by converging nano technology with regional major industries of automobile, shipbuilding and petrochemical.

Source Text

Source: Yonhap News (Feb. 20, 2013)

** This is the translation of a Korean article.