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Ulsan Holds ISIE Conference from June 23

International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE)’s biennial conference will be held in Ulsan from June 23 to June 29 for the first time in Asia.

The conference is hosted and organized by the ISIE, Korean Society for Industrial Ecology (KSIE), Chinese Academy of Science (CAS) and the National Institute for Environmental Studies of Japan and sponsored by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, Ulsan city, Korea Industrial Complex Corp. and Ulsan University.

Around 500 experts, policy makers and scholars from about 50 countries are expected to attend the conference.

Beginning with the opening ceremony on 25th, the ISIE conference will be held until June 28. Around 550 papers, including 354 presentations and 198 poster presentations, on 16 research subjects of industrial ecology will be presented.

The Industrial Symbiosis Research Symposium will be held in Ulsan University on 23rd and 24th with 50 industrial ecologists and experts from Korea and overseas.

Research results from international research groups which play a key role in the field will be shared and discussed.

Symposium on Industrial Ecology for Young Professionals will also be held in Ulsan University from June 29 with around 50 young researchers.

Participants of the ISIE conference will have a chance to go on a city tour on 26th.

Ulsan mayor Bak Maeng-woo hosts a welcoming dinner on 25th and gives a special lecture under the theme of past, present and future of ecopolis Ulsan.

KSIE has been preparing the ISIE conference by opening a branch in the Ulsan University in September 2012 and establishing an organizing committee which Ulsan city participated in.

Registered attendees reach 399 from 40 countries, with 126 from Europe, 177 from Asia, 69 from North America, 7 from South America, 12 from Oceania, 7 from Africa, and 1 from Middle East. Between 450 and 500 are expected to attend the first day.

Ulsan explained that it was able to attract the biennial conference for the first time in Asia as it made a consistent investment in eco-industrial parks and delivered practical outcomes from projects which resulted in foreign scholars’ high interests in Ulsan.

ISIE was established January 2001 to develop the study of industrial ecology and enhance communication on sustainable growth between managers who are interested in integrating environment and economy. Its first conference was held in Netherland, November 2001.

ISIE, headed by President Marian Chertow, has around 40 member countries and about 500 members. Its research areas include eco-industrial development, sustainable urban system, consumption and living.


Source Text: Newsis (June 13, 2013)

** This article was translated from Korean.